The collection and processing of the customer's personal data is protected by the vendor in accordance with the current legal regulations and will be developed in accordance with the Swiss legal framework.
The customer hereby agrees to the storage of personal data entered by him/her in the course of using our website. This consent also applies to the storage of the IP addresses transmitted during each use of the website. Furthermore, the customer agrees to the use of his or her personal data for the purpose of personalizing advertisements and product offers on the website. No personal data will be passed on to advertisers.
Finally, the customer agrees that the seller may use the customer's personal data for direct marketing purposes. This includes advertising communication to the customer by e-mail and post.
By accepting these conditions, the customer confirms that the information provided is correct. The customer authorizes Misterchampagne to take all necessary measures to verify the order information with the administrative services, credit reporting agencies and the loan information file (FRE). Misterchampagne will collect information on existing customers from these agencies at regular intervals.